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Aashman Ayurveda
Aashman Ayurveda Clove Essential Oil, 50 ml
Product Details Kills BacteriaAnti-MicrobialMuscle and Tooth Ache Reliever CLOVE ESSENTIAL OIL: Take a leaf out of your grandmother & #39;s handbook and use this for dental care, colds and coughs. Effectively tackles skin and hair infections, and helps you combat acne. The warm and spicy aroma gives relaxation. & nbsp; Whatever your beauty needs may be, whether you have dry, normal, or oily skin, we have a variety of beauty oils. Our beauty oils range from rare to luxurious, including argan oil, rosehip seed oil, and tea tree oil to versatile, like grape seed oil and castor oil. All of our oils either cold-pressed or expeller-pressed and never diluted to ensure you get the purest oils possible. In a world full of synthetic, petroleum-based beauty products, we are here to help you to adopt a more natural approach to skincare. Purifying Oil This purifying oil is widely used in aromatherapy. The oil is known to have purifying effects on skins and hair. Steam Distilled The oil is extracted from leaves, stem and buds of clove tree by a process called steam distillation. This ensures quality extraction of natural aromatic compounds. Warm Aroma Warm aroma of clove oil is known to have germicidal properties. It can make the ambience pleasant smelling when used. & nbsp;
Aashman Ayurveda Clove Essential Oil,  50 ml
Aashman Ayurveda
Aashman Ayurveda Rosemary Essential Oil, 50 ml
Product Details Stimulates Hair GrowthStrengthen MemoryIncreases Hair Growth Gives Relief from Stress Specialises in producing the best and purest forms of essential oils. Rosemary oil is a widely known therapy for good hair and skin, besides having aroma therapeutic benefits. Rosemary essential oil for skin improves blood circulation and removes acne scarring. The most prominent effect of this organic oil is seen for hair growth. While stimulating the hair follicles, it also gets rid of itchy and dry scalp, thereby taking up the role of hair growth vitalizer. Rosemary oil by Aachman Veda has soothing, stimulating, and relieving benefits. Reading in between the brand names, one can easily follow how Aachman Veda hails the organic practices, and promotes goodness of plants and its derivatives. Considering the current market that has become saturated with wellness products that feature harmful chemicals, we still stick to purity. We do not infuse our products with paraben, sulphates, mineral oils, or any harsh ingredient. Our consistent belief in adhering by environmental norms has been acknowledged & nbsp;
Aashman Ayurveda Rosemary Essential Oil,  50 ml
Aashman Ayurveda
Aashman Ayurveda Lemongrass Essential Oil, 50 ml for Skin
Product Details Anti-BacterialAnti-FungalAnti-inflammatory & acirc; & euro; & lsaquo;Whatever your beauty needs may be, whether you have dry, normal, or oily skin, we have a variety of beauty oils. Our beauty oils range from rare to luxurious, including argan oil, rosehip seed oil, and tea tree oil to versatile, like grape seed oil and castor oil. All of our oils either cold-pressed or expeller-pressed and never diluted to ensure you get the purest oils possible. In a world full of synthetic, petroleum-based beauty products, we are here to help you to adopt a more natural approach to skincare. Purifying Oil This purifying oil is widely used in aromatherapy. The oil is known to have purifying effects on skins and hair. Steam Distilled The oil is extracted from leaves, stem and buds of clove tree by a process called steam distillation. This ensures quality extraction of natural aromatic compounds. Warm Aroma Warm aroma of clove oil is known to have germicidal properties. It can make the ambience pleasant smelling when used. & nbsp; Aashman Ayurveda Lemongrass Essential Oil Lemongrass oil For Hair Add 3-5 drops lemongrass oil to 5 tsp of sesame/coconut oil. Gently massage and leave it for 1-2 hours before washing for dandruff relief. Mix a few drops of lemongrass oil into a carrier oil and apply on scalp. Massage a few drops of lemongrass oil into your scalp for two minutes Lemongrass oil For Skin Mix 2 drops of lemongrass oil in 5ml of coconut oil to cleanse the skin. Mix a few drops of lemongrass oil into your favourite oil for skin. Mix a few drops of lemongrass essential oil with olive oil and apply to arms and legs as an insect repellent. Lemongrass oil For Body One of the most refreshing aromas when used in diffuser or home spray. Lemongrass oil may helps to soothe, so it is a great choice in oils meant to relax the muscles and joints. Lemongrass oil other Uses Mix 10-20 drops into water in a spray bottle for spraying at home. Add 5-10 drops per 200ml water in a diffuser for refreshing mood. The aroma from Lemongrass decreases the feelings of nervousness and stress. It has the ability to uplift your mood and encourage positive emotions. Use lemongrass oil as a natural and safe air freshener or deodorizer. & nbsp;
Aashman Ayurveda Lemongrass Essential Oil,  50 ml  for Skin
Aashman Ayurveda
Aashman Ayurveda Mint Essential Oil, 50 ml
Product Details Gives Relief in HeadacheJoint PainMuscle Ache Cold Some research has shown that lemongrass essential oil has powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, and astringent abilities. Still, more studies are needed on humans before it can be recommended as a mainstream treatment. & nbsp;
Aashman Ayurveda Mint Essential Oil,  50 ml
Aashman Ayurveda
Aashman Ayurveda Tea Tree Eseential Oil, 50 ml
Product Details Antifungal immunity BoosterNourishes Scalp and Hair StrandsEradicate Parasitic Infections Tea extract is an essential oil that fights against acne and other severe skin problems. Tea Tree oil works as a great accompaniment with coconut oil and jojoba oil. Buy tea tree oil for acne as only a few drops can work wonders for your skin. For dry skin, it restores the moisture back while it clears the oily skin off the clogged pores. It also helps reduce the tanning of the skin. While applying, dilute it with a little water for maximum benefits. & nbsp; Whatever your beauty needs may be, whether you have dry, normal, or oily skin, we have a variety of beauty oils. Our beauty oils range from rare to luxurious, including argan oil, rosehip seed oil, and tea tree oil to versatile, like grape seed oil and castor oil. All of our oils either cold-pressed or expeller-pressed and never diluted to ensure you get the purest oils possible. In a world full of synthetic, petroleum-based beauty products, we are here to help you to adopt a more natural approach to skincare. Purifying Oil This purifying oil is widely used in aromatherapy. The oil is known to have purifying effects on skins and hair. Steam Distilled The oil is extracted from leaves, stem and buds of clove tree by a process called steam distillation. This ensures quality extraction of natural aromatic compounds. Warm Aroma Warm aroma of clove oil is known to have germicidal properties. It can make the ambience pleasant smelling when used. & nbsp;
Aashman Ayurveda Tea Tree Eseential Oil,  50 ml