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Vital Earth Minerals
Mineral Blend Fulvic-Humic, 32 fl oz (946 ml)
Powerful Blend: 3 Parts Fulvic to 1 Part HumicSupports a Normal Strong Immune SystemPromotes Digestive Well-BeingHealthy Cognitive Function, Restful SleepAssists the Body's Normal Ability to Detoxify TissuesWhole Food Plant Based Ionic SourceLeader in Fulvic and Humic Minerals Since 2000Naturally Mild TastingNo Flavoring NecessaryWhole Food Based Mineral Dietary Supplement30 Day SupplyNon GMONon BPAGluten FreePesticide FreeSugar FreeSoy FreeDairy FreeYeast FreeVeganKeto FriendlyPaleo FriendlyA superior blend of Fulvic and Humic minerals designed to stimulate natural energy, healing and cellular renewal.Gently processed without heat, pressure extrusion, or chemical of any kind. No artificial coloring or flavoring.Contains over 70 natural occurring humic and fulvic bio-mass vegetal minerals in an unaltered ionic solution; unformulated and in the ratios naturally presented within the original humate / lignite source.Mineral Blend offers unsurpassed support for natural levels of energy, cellular protection and rejuvenation. You're getting all the powerful benefits of Fulvic, plus the peak performance of Humic. & nbsp;The incredible powers of Fulvic-Humic can be attributed to their interactions with all functions of the body; unparalleled absorption directly into cells, and vital interactions with organs and systems in the body. Fulvic and Humic are also known as lignites, and have characteristics similar to shilajit. & nbsp;Fulvic does its work on a cellular level where it spreads throughout the system to maintain healthy metabolic balance, supporting proper function of vital processes. Humic works in the GI tract (microbiome), providing powerful pre-biotics and encouraging natural removal of toxins to support healthy normal immune system function. The combined effect is a reduction in oxidative stress to the body, strengthening cellular integrity.Fulvic and Humic together: & nbsp;Provide essential electrical energy to revitalize normal cellsBoost absorption and bio-availability of ALL nutrientsProvide alkalizing minerals to encourage proper body pHSupport the natural removal of harmful pollutants from the bodyMineral Blend supplies the tools to restore, repair and nourish because of the incredible cellular rejuvenation of Fulvic, combined with the balancing properties of Humic. & nbsp;Fulvic Mineral Blend is an incomparable daily maintenance formula for the whole family. Fulvic and Humic Minerals are nature's perfect elixirs!
Mineral Blend Fulvic-Humic, 32 fl oz (946 ml)
Vital Earth Minerals
Super Multi, Natural Tropical Passion Fruit, 32 fl oz (946 ml)
Delicious! Natural Tropical Passion Fruit FlavorHigh Potency Liquid Multi Vitamin with Fulvic MineralsDietary Supplement & nbsp;MTHFR Friendly! With Folate from Organic SpinachEnergizing Vegetarian Fruit and Greens BlendVegetarian & nbsp;Keto Friendly & nbsp;Paleo Friendly & nbsp;Perfect for The Whole Family & nbsp;Energizing Vegetarian Fruit and Greens Blend & nbsp;Powerful Plant Based Fulvic Mineral Base & nbsp;Better Absorption Because It's A Liquid & nbsp;Gel All Your Vitamins In One Delicious Dose & nbsp;Sweetened with Stevia - Zero Carbs & nbsp;No Crystalline Fructose or HFCSNo Benzoates, Iron, Artificial Sweeteners, Colorings & nbsp;Easy! Just 1 Capful Per Day & nbsp;Safe For Those With MTHFRAn unsurpassed combination of vegetarian and USP certified ingredients that promote normal vitality, mental alertness, and immune function.Top selling Super Multi is formulated to support your body's natural ability to produce energy, promote restful sleep, maintain healthy blood sugar already in the normal range, decrease food cravings, and augment balanced hormone function (does not contain hormones).High potency vitamins are crucial for filling nutritional gaps, and provide the catalyst forconverting food into energy.The addition of Fulvic Minerals further maximizes absorption of all vitamins into cells.For the millions of people who suffer from the MTHFR gene mutation, Super Multi provides a cutting edge solution not readily available in other formulas. Our MTHFR friendly formula contains folate from organic spinach, P5P B6, and Methyl B12.The MTHFR gene mutation has been linked to over 60 adverse health conditions and prevents many from taking much needed supplements.
Super Multi,  Natural Tropical Passion Fruit, 32 fl oz (946 ml)
Vital Earth Minerals
Fulvic Minerals, 32 fl oz (946 ml)
Leader in Fulvic and Humic Minerals Since 2000Plant BasedVeganKeto FriendlyPaleo FriendlyNaturally Mild TastingNo Flavoring NecessaryIonic Mineral Dietary SupplementRich Golden ColorGently Processed without ChemicalsHigher Quality, Fresh Water SourceAlkaline pH of 7.0 to 7.8Fulvic is one of the most powerful, natural supplements for maintaining the body's metabolic and healing functionsSupports natural energy productionAlkalizing minerals to sustain proper body pHEncourages healthy immune functionAugments balanced hormone functionMental clarity, alertness, concentrationFacilitates normal enzyme productionSupports blood sugar already in normal rangeEncourages natural removal of dietary toxinsWhole food plant based ionic source100% Fulvic in solution and nothing else!No added sugar, soy, dairy, yeast, gluten, artificial coloring, flavoring, or GMO's. Gently processed without heat pressure extrusion, or chemicals of any kind.Fulvic is one of the most biologically active substances available and assists with every metabolic function in the body. supporting the body's natural defenses, brain function, immune system, and energy.Fulvic supercharges cells by providing the electrical charge cells need for fundamental interactions and reactions with other substances; it fuels, supports, and facilitates every normal biochemical process in the body.Fulvic passes right through cell membranes with ease, carrying many times its own weight in nutrients with it, providing the fuel cells need for normal vital health.When fulvic is present, you are assured of maximum absorption and interactions of vitamins, phytonutrients, enzymes, amino acids, and minerals.Another indispensable key to Fulvic is its ability to destroy damaging free radicals, blocking oxidation, and assisting the normal removal and detoxification of harmful compounds in the tissues.Because Fulvic Minerals is 100% fulvic in solution, you're getting a concentrated source of this essential bioactive element.The source of our fulvic comes from fresh water humate, which has a very small molecule size making it more absorbable than salt water mineral extracts.Our proprietary process protects the integrity of the fulvic safeguarding its incredible benefits from the damaging effects of harsh chemical processing. We isolate the fulvic from Humate plant matter with a gentle proprietary filtering process and this is what we bottle in it's purest form. It's all natural just like nature intended.
Fulvic Minerals, 32 fl oz (946 ml)
Vital Earth Minerals
Humic Minerals, 32 fl oz (946 ml)
Leader in Fulvic and Humic Minerals Since 2000Whole Food Based Mineral Dietary SupplementNon GMO & nbsp;Non BPA & nbsp;Gluten FreePesticide FreeSugar FreeSoy FreeDairy FreeYeast FreeVeganKeto Friendly & nbsp;Paleo FriendlyNaturally Earthy TastingAlkaline pH of 9.0 to 9.5 & nbsp;Humic assists with every biological function in the body; normal healing, cellular energy, digestive balance, and bowel regularity. & nbsp;Superior polysaccharide pre-biotic & nbsp;Effective for normal daily regularity & nbsp;Support for normal healthy gut flora & nbsp;Supports normal strong immune function & nbsp;Key to normal healing responses of cells & nbsp;Stimulates the body's ability to detoxify tissuesWhole food plant based ionic source & nbsp;Gently processed without heat, pressure extrusion, or chemicals of any kind. No artificial coloring or flavoring.Naturally mild tasting when diluted in water. & nbsp;Rich dark color - No flavoring necessary. & nbsp;Only nature can provide this vital substanceDaily supplementation of natural ionic plant derived minerals assist with every biological bodily process, from support for healthy heart and cognitive function, to normal bone building and balanced hormone activity. Humic feeds and strengthens good flora to maintain proper microbial balance in the gut, providing an essential connection to a powerful microbiome. The polysaccharide content of Humic helps your good gut bacteria thrive. And pre-biotics have maximum benefit when coming from a fresh-water plant source, like Humic Minerals. & nbsp;Humic's unsurpassed absorption and vital interaction with other organic molecules in the body such as proteins, enzymes, and lipids can prevent viruses from binding to or penetrating cells, interrupting the virus's reproductive cycle. Humic goes to work in the gut, extracting nutrients from food and assisting already normal detoxification, anti-oxidant response, and proper elimination and regularity.Promotes digestive well-being to help seal gaps between intestinal cells & nbsp;Supports the normal healing of bones, muscles, and nervesHelps inhibit harmful bacteria from attaching to intestinal walls & nbsp;Augments balanced hormone function, and metabolic reactions & nbsp;Assists with normal blood oxygenation & nbsp;Provides antioxidant support for cell protection against free radicals & nbsp;Assists the body's conversion of sugar into energy & nbsp;Humic is also known as lignite, and has characteristics similar to shilajit. Our natural processing using nothing but purified water is also key. Chemically processed humic and colloidals offer minimal benefit. & nbsp;Contains over 70 naturally occurring humic bio-mass vegetal minerals in an unaltered ionic solution; unformulated and in the ratios naturally presented within the original humate / lignite source. & nbsp;
Humic Minerals, 32 fl oz (946 ml)